We provide resources to teach you the best ways to ensure your body and mind are performing at their best on and off the ice. Find news, tips, and advice from industry experts, top coaches, and current and former players in nutrition, sports psychology, strength and conditioning, skill development, drills, coaching, and more.
How to effectively develop new hockey skills
Do you want to learn an effective way to master learning new hockey skills? (more…)
Master your morning routine with P.A.S.S
Hi all! Every day you wake up and are faced with a choice: Step into your greatness Move your goals, dreams, and desires forward Step into being hyper-specific and clear…
Six things goalies should focus on to have a better season
Hello fellow hockey players, coaches, and supporters! My name is Dana Timm and I am a goalie coach, personal trainer, career firefighter/paramedic, hockey goalie, WHL Brand Ambassador, and business owner…
Track your hockey training: Free download!
Want to keep better track of your hockey training this year? Here’s a free hockey training tracker! Our #WHLAmbassador, Ali Stead (most of you will know her as @Never2late2learn.hky) is…
Interview with Brock women’s hockey head coach, Margot Page | PART 2
In Part 2 of my sit down interview with Brock Women’s Hockey head coach, Margot Page, she discusses the Olympics, her transition to coaching, and coaching university hockey. Part 1,…
Interview with Brock women’s hockey head coach, Margot Page | Part 1
Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario is home to the Brock Badgers women’s hockey team. Head coach, Margot Page is not only an accomplished coach and mentor but also a…
Returning to hockey after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction
An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is a serious, yet common injury among female athletes who play basketball, football, and hockey. Athletes frequently cut, jump and pivot — movements that…
Off-season tips to mentally prepare for next season
You might be wondering if there’s a perfect plan on how to spend your off-season to start effectively preparing for the next season. There isn’t one perfect recipe for everyone…
The mental game of hockey (Part 2)
Continuing from Part 1 of the mental game of hockey, we’ll look at different ways sports psychologists can help you improve your game. Let’s do a little set back in…
Eight tips for new hockey coaches
I truly enjoy receiving messages, e-mails and comments about my posts. I do my best to reply to all and often, the questions I receive really make me re-think what…
How to correct bad hockey habits
I wanted to title this post “Things that Drive Me Nuts” but I wasn’t sure that was an appropriate title. I have to say though, there are things that happen…
How to practice de-stagnation as a hockey coach
We ended our season on March 9th this year. It was a Saturday and we managed to win our last game 5-3 with empty-net goal – a good way to…
The 5 Keys to Off-Season Training For Goalies
In the age of overloaded information we live in, the focus has now turned to gaining an edge over the competition. Information is no longer as valuable as it once…
The top factors that make a great hockey drill
I want to share with you a drill we used many times this year. We call it the Yale 1v1. I like it for many reasons that I’ll share with…
Hip stability for hockey players
It’s no secret we all have weaknesses that tend to cause problems in the weight room, on the field of play and in our daily lives. If you’re an athlete,…
The Coaching Pyramid (Part 6)
I’ve said this many times this year that in 31 years of coaching hockey, this season was the most extraordinary and rewarding season of my career. We didn’t win championships.…
The Coaching Pyramid (Part 5)
My son Ben, who is grade 12, was hired this week to do some math tutoring for a young grade 8 student. He did the prep work necessary, getting a…
The Coaching Pyramid (Part 4)
Just before the first season that I coached hockey after finishing playing, the head coach I was going to work with and I traveled to Windsor, Ontario to attend Roger…
The Coaching Pyramid (Part 3)
It’s really great to connect with other coaches in the summer. We are so busy during the season that often there is no time to just chat. So I make…
The Coaching Pyramid (Part 2)
Carolyn Waldo was Canada’s top synchronized swimmer through the 1980’s. She won world championships, and Olympic and Commonwealth games Gold Medals. A silver medalist at the 1984 Olympic Games, Waldo…
The hockey coaching pyramid
So, this is the official end of my five month hiatus. I have taken a break from writing to do what I truly love – coaching hockey. And, it’s been…
Build your core for speed and durability
To this day, the core and how to train it remains one of the most regularly questioned parts of training for most athletes. I’ve seen it butchered more times than…
The mental game of hockey
During the last few minutes before hitting the ice, during the coach’s pep talk, everyone might have their own routines and thoughts, fears and motivations. Then, going out there on…
In-season training for max performance (with free guide)
While it’s obvious the hockey world has fully embraced the importance of off-season training over the past few years, in-season training still seems to be a mystery that baffles many…
Pressure and finding your (wo)man
When we begin talking about defensive play, I will ask my player if they have ever played Monkey in the Middle. (Of course, at this point, I typically have to…
Applying gym lessons on the ice
If you’ve been around here long enough, you’ll know that I wasn’t exactly an exemplary athlete during my junior and college hockey days. Although most of my teammates would say…
Introducing Angi Keplinger: Sport psychologist for the national women’s Austrian hockey team
“Uhhh, can you read my mind?” “Ehm… no I´m a sports psychologist, not a magician!” First of all, let me introduce myself. I can neither read minds, nor analyze people;…
Upper body training fundamentals
Hey hey, It’s time for another edition of “Master the Fundamentals”, but this week, we’ll be talking about the upper body. This is most likely everyone’s go-to, because it’s something…
A year in the life of a head coach
Parents and players alike will often look at this season’s minor hockey head coach and picture how easy it is, and how they could, or they know someone who could…