Sauce Us a Follow

Hi all!

Every day you wake up and are faced with a choice:

  • Step into your greatness
  • Move your goals, dreams, and desires forward
  • Step into being hyper-specific and clear on where you are headed


  • Revert back to old routines that keep you feeling stuck
  • Have no structure or plan for the future
  • Create doubt in your capabilities

The good news is that YOU have the power to create the momentum for your day. Even better news, it does not have to take long at all.

If you are reading this, I know that you are within the small percentage that want to transform their lives, take action, get clear on their hockey and life goals, and be the best version of themselves.

Today we are going to skate right into creating high emotional states through habits, routines, and consistency. Specifically, by achieving a morning routine. If you look at high performers you will notice a trend between all of them, and that is that they have some type of consistent morning ritual. A morning routine allows you to make yourself a priority first thing before showing up for others. Making yourself number one ensures that you are being the best version of yourself you can be and showing up even better for the important people and commitments in your life.

The hardest part about a morning routine is staying consistent. This is why I have eliminated all the fluff and focus on a four core process that will leave you feeling refreshed, on fire, and excited to tackle the rest of your day. This method can take as few as 15 minutes, or go as long as you feel needed. I like to call it the P.A.S.S Method.

P.A.S.S simply stands for Physical, Affirmation, Study, Space.


As athletes, we know the importance of physical fitness. Starting off your morning with movement is a sure fire way to propel your morning and feel accomplished. If possible, I recommend getting a full workout in the morning. However, if work or school prevents this from being done, any type of movement serves a purpose. For example, you could do max pushups, a 10 minute walk, nature run, or something similar. The goal here is just to get your body moving first thing in the morning.

So, I ask you, what can you commit to that under any circumstance, you can still get movement in?


Knowing your vision is a critical component to achieving any goal. One way to keep this vision manifesting is by keeping it front of mind. I recommend writing your goals out on paper. Writing your goals in a journal and having it close to you throughout the day will allow you to tap into that vision when you are feeling disconnected, bored, or lost. Affirming your goals each morning will ensure you are moving the needle each and every day towards your outcome. It will keep you locked into your ‘why’ and when things get tough, you’ll be able to pivot and refocus.

There are many ways you can do this in the mornings. You could simply close your eyes and visualize your targets. Imagine how it will feel. What are you specifically doing? How are you acting? Who are you with? The more details the better.

Another way to do this is by journaling. Write out your targets in a notebook. Jot down your thoughts, ideas, commitments, and anything else you feel like. Getting these on paper allows you to clear your mind and accept positive energy that will get you closer to your goals.


As a hockey player, you know the importance of skating, stick handling, fitness, and shooting. These are all skills that you work on throughout the season and many times during the off-season.

If you’re not strategically studying and learning, you’re missing out. You have to ask yourself, “Do you want the best in the world?” I’m going to assume you said yes. That is why this section is imperative to your success.

This part of the morning routine is intended to double down on these skills by studying video, books, coaches, and anything that educates. The best route is to pick a specific skill such as wrist shot development. Then over the next 90 days in the morning, study that skill and implement practice daily.

The study category does not have to be hockey related. It could be a personal development area you want to improve on, such as a subject in school or learning to make healthier meals.


Have you ever woken up and felt rushed, cluttered, and lacking clarity? Have you felt like you are doing things for others before taking care of yourself? In order to best serve other people and serve your team, you must make yourself a priority first.

I highly suggest over the next 10 days you start your morning with your phone on airplane mode. I know, I know… but, what about my Instagram page? What about the awesome content Women’s Hockey Life is producing? I get it, but, for the course of your P.A.S.S morning routine, keep the phone on airplane mode. I promise you, it will allow you to create the space, time, and energy for yourself. After all… social media, texts, and emails will be waiting for you on the other side.

For this portion of the morning routine, the purpose is to have grounded intention for yourself. You can sit in silence for a few minutes, journal, do deep breathing, etc. The idea is to open up space to allow more to flow in.


Creating a morning ritual takes patience, time, and openness to adjust and find what fits YOUR lifestyle. So, I leave you with this:

  • Success is a daily choice
  • Success takes consistency
  • Success takes clear and intentional focus

In order to level up and become a better hockey player and person, we must put ourselves first. P.A.S.S guarantees you create a deeper connection with yourself, which in turn creates momentum, action, and progress in every area of your life. I encourage you to make P.A.S.S apart of your daily routine for the next 30 days and let me know if it has helped you!

I’ll see you on the other end, hockey players!

Sports Psychology

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