Skating On The Path To Equality
The Premier Hockey Federation is proudly celebrating Pride throughout the month with a unique PHF logo designed in collaboration with HEARTLENT Group and artist Tay Thompson. The design features Pride rainbow flag colors and a skate blade underscoring the league’s three-star crown emblem which illustrates a vision for the PHF ‘skating on the path to equality’.
“Equality and inclusion are at the root of our commitment to forming a vibrant and global community where everyone is welcome, safe, respected, and championed,” said Reagan Carey, PHF Commissioner. “The artist’s vision aligns with values that are important to the PHF as we celebrate Pride Month and continue accelerating our sport forward in the spirit of togetherness.”
In ice hockey, skates are essential to compete and represent an iconic part of the sport which inspired Thompson’s design. In the LGBTQ+ community, Pride is essential to honor those who came before us, those who are still unable to come out, and those who have found fulfillment in being their true selves. The Pride flag is an iconic part of the community’s ‘uniform’. Its colors are displayed in the logo to represent movement, as well as ice coming off the skates to show forward progress for the LGBTQ+ community and the PHF that continues advancing when we come together as one.
“As a very out and proud LGBTQ+ creative and former NCAA D1 athlete, the importance of HEARTLENT Group and the PHF bringing me into this project is beyond measure,” said Thompson. “To have the opportunity to design a Pride Month logo for the PHF is something that my younger self would be elated about. HEARTLENT Group saw me for all that I am and could offer. Not only did they appreciate my talent, but fully acknowledged and accepted that I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community – something I used to have to hide. Proper representation is vital to success in individuals and society as a whole. Without pride, in ourselves, or what we do, we would never know true joy. Using my love for my community as well as feeling fully valued and heard for exactly who I am allowed me to bring the ‘skating on the path to equality’ vision to life.”
The design will serve as the PHF’s primary logo on social media profiles throughout Pride Month and integrated in digital content across all platforms.

For more about artist Tay Thompson, you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @ThompsonTay.
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