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Nutrition and Health Coach: Samantha Loeppky


Hello, Women’s Hockey Life readers! My name is Samantha Loeppky. I’m a rookie rec hockey player and self proclaimed Rocky movie series super fan who lives with her family in the Canadian Rockies. (Fun fact: Our two dogs are named Slapshot and Rocky). I am also a passionate Certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach.

Let me start from the beginning: I’ve always been one that wants to help others. After trying different jobs, looking for a meaningful purpose, members of my family were passing away from a variety of preventable illnesses. After extensive research, I decided to focus my passion of helping others on nutrition education. With this education I could teach others how to build a healthier lifestyle to prevent treatable illnesses. Sadly, now a days that’s most people and I wouldn’t be much help if I spread myself thin trying to reach every single person, handing out generalized programs and not giving the 110% focus they deserve. For me that isn’t an option, as I am a dedicated, proactive, going the extra mile with a creative outlook type of person who loves to create meaningful relationships.

When I was younger I was what I call a “here and there” athlete. I would try different sports, not really sticking with anything for very long. The only sport that ever stuck for eight years was figure skating. I did skate meets, testing, showcases and coached a variety of skills levels. My favorite group that I coached was a dozen boys (I was in charge of their Power Skate program) and most of them moved on to become part of the local minor hockey league. While I enjoyed figure skating, it was more for fun rather than competition, which was the only direction to advance for me, so I chose to end my figure skating career.

Even though I wasn’t an active participant when I was younger (I’ve only recently become a rec player) the other sport that has always been a part of my life is hockey. As far back as I can remember I’ve watched hockey: the local school team, minor, junior, senior, semi-pro, and pro. Our household is divided on whose hockey team is better (Go Devils) and my husband was on a senior hockey executive team for 10 years, within those years they won a championship as well.

When the Humboldt Broncos tragedy happened, it impacted me to a level I didn’t even know existed. I was shocked, even numb at times. I knew that I had to find my own unique way to give back to the community that has always been a part of my life. So, I decided to zero in on specializing my nutrition and wellness knowledge to help hockey athletes perform at their peak with energy and maintain stamina, with minimal risk of injury. It is my goal to provide vital nutrition and wellness information to athletes, families, staff, etc. that is easy to incorporate into our busy lives that will build a nourishing competitor’s body.

Whether you are a hockey parent, weekend warrior or working your way up to the big leagues, do you have any questions about nutrition and wellness? Let WHL or myself know and your question could be the topic of my next post!

– Samantha Loeppky – Certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach


Certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach Diploma from Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition Completed August, 2017

Licenced Holistic Nutrition Consultant Diploma from Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition Completion date August, 2018

Sports & Nutrition Specialist Certification from Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition Completion date TBD

Facebook: @wellnesschampionca

Instagram: @wellness.champion

Twitter: @WellnessChmpn


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