Are you ready to be a Women’s Hockey Life Writer?
Hello there, newest member of our writing team!
Thanks for your interest in joining our roster of writers at Women’s Hockey Life! We’re pumped to have you on board and can’t wait to see what you have to share with our audience! We love featuring people involved in the women’s hockey world in all capacities, at all levels, and in all areas of the world. That being said, we do have some guidelines for you to follow as you begin working with us.
WHL Writer Rules
- Absolutely no plagiarism will be tolerated
- Hyperlink your sources
- To ensure accurate information is being used and to make sure credit is given where due, please hyperlink your sources for any factual information you include in your work.
- Photo credits
- If YOU personally did not take the photo, do NOT include it in your article. You must be the owner of the image in order for your article to be approved.
- Do not include facts or statistics that cannot be proven or that you’re unsure of
- We’d rather you leave information out than include incorrect information.
- Please refrain from offensive language and/or material
- While we are all for opinion pieces, please ensure that the language, photos, and statements you use are not offensive or harmful to the audience.
- We reserve the right to deny approval for any articles that do not align with Women’s Hockey Life’s mission
- If you’re unsure whether or not your piece aligns with WHL, please send an email to [email protected] to discuss the article
If the above guidelines are not followed, we may have to cease your writing privileges with Women’s Hockey Life. If you’re ever unsure if your work follows these guidelines or have any questions, please email Women’s Hockey Life at [email protected]
Do you agree to the above terms and conditions regarding writing for Women’s Hockey Life?
If you click “I ACCEPT”, we’ll be in touch with you soon to get you set up with a writer’s account!
Talk soon,
The Women’s Hockey Life team