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Profile Level: University
Division: ACHA Division 2
1410 Q St
Lincoln, NE 68588
United States of America
Name of Rink: John Breslow Arena
Team Mascot: Cornhuskers
Coaching Staff
Head Coach: James Ringler
Assistant Coach: Cleve Watson
A Day In The Life
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
School System: Public
School Setting: Urban
Co-Ed: Yes
Tuition: $26,316
Average ACT: 25
Average SAT: 1,240
AccountingAgricultural and Food Products ProcessingAgricultural Business and ManagementAgricultural EngineeringAgricultural MechanizationAgricultural Public ServicesAllied Health and Medical Assisting Servicesand Albanian Linguisticsand OperationsAnimal SciencesAnthropologyApparel and TextilesApplied HorticultureArchitectural EngineeringArchitectureArea StudiesAthletic TrainingAtmospheric Sciences and MeteorologyBalticBiochemistryBiological/Biosystems EngineeringBiologyBiophysics and Molecular BiologyBotanyBusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness EconomicsChemical EngineeringChemistryCity/UrbanCivil EngineeringCivil Engineering TechnologiesClassical and Ancient StudiesClassics and Classical LinguisticsClinical PsychologyCommunication and Media StudiesCommunication Disorders SciencesCommunity and Regional PlanningComputer and Information SciencesComputer EngineeringConstruction EngineeringConstruction Engineering TechnologiesCriminal JusticeCurriculum and InstructionDanceDrama and StagecraftEconomicsEducationEducational AdministrationEducational AssessmentElectrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering TechnologiesEMT Paramedic and Treatment ProfessionEngineeringEngineering MechanicsEnglish LiteratureEnvironmental EngineeringEthnic and Group StudiesFamily and Consumer Business ServicesFamily and Consumer EconomicsFamily and Consumer SciencesFilm/Video and Photographic ArtsFinancesFine and Studio ArtsFire ProtectionFood Science and TechnologyFoods and Nutrition ServicesForensics and CorrectionsGeography and CartographyGeologyGermanic LinguisticsGlobal StudiesHistoryHospitality ManagementHousing and Human EnvironmentsHuman Development and Family StudiesIndustrial EngineeringIndustrial Production TechnologiesInsuranceInterior ArchitectureInternational BusinessInternational Relations and National Security StudiesJournalismKinesiology and Exercise ScienceLandscape ArchitectureLawLegal Professions and StudiesLegal ResearchLiberal Arts and SciencesLinguistic StudiesManagementManagement Sciences and Quantitative MethodsManufacturing EngineeringMarketingMathematicsMechanical EngineeringMedical Preparatory ProgramsMedieval and Renaissance StudiesMental and Social Health ServicesMicrobiological SciencesMuseum StudiesMusicNatural Resources Conservation and ResearchNatural Resources ManagementNutrition SciencesPharmacology and ToxicologyPhilosophyPhysical EducationPhysicsPlant SciencesPolitical Science and GovernmentPsychologyPublic Relations and AdvertisingRomance LinguisticsSlavicSociologySoil SciencesSpecial EducationSports and Entertainment Management/MarketingStatisticsTeacher Development MethodsTeacher Development Specific SubjectsTeaching English or FrenchZoology and Animal Biology
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