Tell us about yourself!
My name is Emma Whetham is am 13 years old I live in Cambridge Ontario Canada and play for the Ancaster Avalanche U15AA team. When I was younger I had a lot of medical issues and underwent several major surgeries. My team of doctors were unsure if I would ever be able to participate in sports let alone contact sports. I fought hard and never gave up as tough as things were I fought and worked as hard as I could and maintained a positive attitude. At the age of 7 I learned to skate and a year later started playing hockey and loved every minute of it. With lots of hard work and perseverance I quickly moved up to playing AA hockey and I’m loving every minute.
What made you want to be a WHL Brand Ambassador?
Being able to connect with other female hockey players that share the same love and passion for the game as I do. I want to help promote Women’s hockey and hopefully become a role model to younger aspiring hockey players.
What are you most looking forward to as a #WHLAMBASSADOR?
Sharing my story as well as hearing others stories and connecting with others in the hockey world. I aim to help out wherever I can and to hopefully help promote female hockey and be someone young girls starting hockey can look up to. I’m also looking forward to making new friendships.
What’s something not a lot of people know about you?
I love art and music. I really enjoy drawing!
If you could sit down and have dinner with one female hockey player, who would it be and why?
Marie-Philip Poulin is a role model to me, an amazing person as well as athlete. She’s a leader, is all about teamwork and has incredible sportsmanship.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given in hockey or in life?
Work hard, follow your passion and dreams . Be the best all around person you can be.
What’s your dream for women’s hockey?
To have a professional women’s league and women’s hockey to keep on growing. For Women’s hockey to get even more recognition, support and sponsorships.
