Tell us about yourself!
My name is Olivia, I am from Chicago IL, currently finishing up my youth hockey career as a ST.Jude knight and starting my college hockey career at LUC. I started playing hockey at 8 years old after I finished figure skating and have been in love with the sport since. I am now a hockey coach for the FP panthers and hoping to build on that and keep improving as a coach and a player during the rest of my journey.
What made you want to be a WHL Brand Ambassador?
I wanted to become a WHL ambassador because I wanted to keep inspiring girls to keep playing hockey and believe that they could truly have a career in it as woman’s hockey keeps getting better and bigger young girls should have someone to look up to and someone who believe in them and their amazing capabilities.
What are you most looking forward to as a #WHLAMBASSADOR?
As a WHL ambassador I’m most looking forward to meeting all the amazing people I will be working with to develop woman’s hockey as well as all the new events and opportunities there will be for all young woman in hockey that I will be apart of expanding.
If you could sit down and have dinner with one hockey player, who would it be and why?
I would have dinner with Natalie Spooner because I have always looked up to her and I think she is just an amazing role model and hockey player for girls to look up to and hear her life journey to becoming the player she is today.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given in hockey or in life?
The best advice I’ve ever received was from my coach that told me “Practice like you’ve never won, play like you’ve never lost”
What’s your dream for women’s hockey?
My dream for woman’s hockey is for woman’s hockey to develop overall so that young girls can live in a world where they can have just as much of an opportunity in woman’s hockey as men do in the NHL. My dream is for girls to grow up knowing they can have a future job as a hockey player and for their dreams to come true just like I dreamed mine would. As well as hopdully g having the opportunity to play college hockey more accessible for younger players looking to develop further as-well.
