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AMBASSADOR SPOTLIGHT: Ainsley Berendsen | Ontario, Canada



Tell us about yourself!

I have been playing hockey since I could walk and when I was seven, I started playing house league and I was one of the only girls on the team.  I played house league for four years and this year was supposed to be my first season playing girls hockey. Unfortunately, there was not enough girls for a team and I had to play with a boys team. That was no problem, I loved hockey and it didn’t matter who I played with or what jersey I wore, I just wanted to be on the ice!

What made you want to be a WHL Brand Ambassador?

I wanted to become a WHL ambassador because more girls should be inspired to play hockey and I wanted to be a part of that.

What are you most looking forward to as a #WHLAMBASSADOR?

I’m most looking forward to inspiring girls to play hockey.

If you could sit down and have dinner with one female hockey player, who would it be and why?

If I could sit down with one female hockey player it would probably be Amanda Kessel. She is a great player and has a great personality.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given in hockey or in life?

The best advice I’ve ever had in hockey is don’t give up no matter how badly you get hurt or put down don’t give up because it will turn into a habit. Try as hard as you can give not only just in hockey, but in life —110% every day or every game.

What’s your dream for women’s hockey?

My dream for women’s hockey is to make the NHL or have a women’s NHL. I want the NHL to have women, so younger girls can get inspired and play the greatest sport in the world!



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